Saturday 14 July 2012

Meat Manager

So when we start our first ever full time job, we all have expectations, on how it's gonna be. What will the people be like.
My 1st job was no different. I was taken on by a young manager, who looked old before his time.
He was a good talker, great talker. Knew what to say, when to say it and who to say it to.
I liked him, I looked up to him.

When I first started, he made it known that he never wanted me but a qualified butcher but his hands were tied.

I had never been on the end of negativity before, so I didn't know how to take it. I kinda went in a shell at work.
I tried to keep my head down and prove him wrong.
I understand now, why he was like it to me. He was a young manager, inexperienced and was in charge of a business that had 2 experienced butchers, more so than himself that were a lot older and wiser than him. He did it to show them control and he was a bully.
So my start in the butchery game was hard. I would be shouted out all day, everyday. Proper screamed at!
Ramsey style!!
I would be humiliated at his pleasure.
I could walk into the fridge to get some stock out and the lights would go off. He'd then give me a kick In, in the fridge. For my cockiness or answering him back.
This was my first year in the meat trade.
But like all bully's once you stand up to them, it's all different.
I have always liked him and respected him despite this.
I know the feeling was mutual.
He may have had his bad attributes but he also had some very good ones. He took me under his wing and genuinely wanted the best for me.
He was very funny and a charmer!
He also taught me a lot about meat and life, for that I'm also forever grateful.

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